Conjecture Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Conjecture::BitInfoPre-computed bit-level information about an 32-bit word
Conjecture::BitmapImage class
Conjecture::BitOverlayHyper-low-level bit analysis
Conjecture::ComponentThe abstract superclass of all Component classes
Conjecture::CoordA simple 2-D Euclidean point
Conjecture::CpuTimerMicrosecond-level timing support
Conjecture::ElementAbstract superclass of a collection of classes representing a part-whole decomposition of a graphic image into smaller and smaller semantic units
Conjecture::EnvThe public front-end to the Conjecture set of classes
Conjecture::FormatComponentThe abstract superclass of a hierarchy of classes implementing the 'format' algorithm, which is minimally responsible for generating properly positioned unicode text output
Conjecture::GlyphA rectangular region of the overall image that has been identified as representing a single character
Conjecture::GlyphFeaturesEncapsulates features of interest within a Glyph
Conjecture::GocrFormatThe abstract superclass of a hierarchy of classes implementing the 'partition' algorithm, which is minimally responsible for identifying the sub-regions of the Page that represent individual Glyphs. The algorithm may do more than just identify Glyphs however (i.e. may also identify Words, Lines and/or Regions too)
Conjecture::GocrIdentifyThe abstract superclass of a hierarchy of classes implementing the 'partition' algorithm, which is minimally responsible for identifying the sub-regions of the Page that represent individual Glyphs. The algorithm may do more than just identify Glyphs however (i.e. may also identify Words, Lines and/or Regions too)
Conjecture::GocrModuleUses the Gocr Strategies for all algorithms
Conjecture::GocrSegmentThe abstract superclass of a hierarchy of classes implementing the 'Segment' algorithm, which is minimally responsible for identifying the sub-regions of the Page that represent individual Glyphs. The algorithm may do more than just identify Glyphs however (i.e. may also identify Words, Lines and/or Regions too)
Conjecture::IdentifyComponentThe abstract superclass of a hierarchy of classes implementing the 'identify' algorithm, which is responsible for converting Glyphs into unicode characters
Conjecture::ImageThe in-memory representation of the graphical image being processed
Conjecture::ImageArgsA tiny service class that stores image and pixel-filtering information
Conjecture::LineA sub-region of a Page (or Region) containing Glyphs or Words containing Glyphs
Conjecture::OcradModuleA wrapper for the third-party open-source Ocrad OCR
Conjecture::OcradProcessTrivial delegation-to-external-program implementation of Ocrad
Conjecture::OCRModuleAbstractFactory design pattern supporting the bundled creation of related Component algorithms
Conjecture::OptImAn Optimized Image class (but only for small images)
Conjecture::OptIm15An Optimized Image class (but only for very small images)
Conjecture::PageAn Image and associated meta-data representing an entire page of to-be-scanned data
Conjecture::PixelLineA class for describing a line of up to 32 pixels
Conjecture::PixelLine15A class for describing a line of up to 16 pixels
Conjecture::PixFiltProvides a generalized pixel filtering mechanism
Conjecture::ProcessComponentThe abstract superclass of a hierarchy of classes implementing the highest-level 'process' algorithm
Conjecture::RegionA sub-region of a Page, usually used to represent the graphical area for a single column in a multi-column image
Conjecture::RootThe abstract superclass of all classes in the Conjecture namespace
Conjecture::SegmentComponentThe abstract superclass of a hierarchy of classes implementing the 'partition' algorithm, which is minimally responsible for identifying the sub-regions of the Page that represent individual Glyphs. The algorithm may do more than just identify Glyphs however (i.e. may also identify Words, Lines and/or Regions too)
Conjecture::StandardProcessImplements the most common 'process' algorithm
Conjecture::StrManipVarious string manipulation routines
Conjecture::SystemInterface to system-related functionality
Conjecture::WmhFormatThe Formatting component of Wade's initial OCR
Conjecture::WmhModuleWade's first experiment with OCR
Conjecture::WmhSegmentResponsible for sub-dividing the Page into Glyphs (and, optionally, Words, Lines and Parts)
Conjecture::WordA sub-region of a Line consisting entirely of Glyphs

Generated on Thu Jun 15 19:56:10 2006 for Conjecture by  doxygen 1.4.6